Touch Grass Challenge
News April 4, 2024
In Celebration of the First Layer 2 Data Rollup, we bring you the Touch Grass Challenge! We're giving away exclusive Grass merchandise to whoever comes up with the most innovative node setups and referral strategies.
Interested? Read on for more details!
To enter, simply post your submission on Twitter with the hashtag #TouchGrassChallenge, and mention @getgrass_io. Also, share your entry in our touch-grass-challenge Discord channel. We can't wait to see what you come up with!
Prizes will go to the best examples in four different categories
1. Best location for running a Grass node
2. Most amusing Grass meme
3. Most creative way to share a referral link
4. Best artistic tribute to Grass
Feel free to think outside the box - there is no need to stick strictly to our examples.
Most of all, have fun touching Grass!